In my last article I wrote about how the Uma Museme set wasn't exactly setting the stage alight with its combination of card draw and mediocre beats, but it only took the player base another two weeks and a Grand Prix to change that story. H.E.A.L.T.H.Y The top 8 finalists of GP Yokohama were equally split between Dragon and Uma Musume, with the title eventually going to Dragon. What changed? The tuned deck that has emerged is quite aggressive with a lot of deck speed (ability to draw and filter their cards), so overall it provides a very consistent game plan featuring big bodies and a solid top end. It seems to be able to pull together the best of a few different classes, with the card selection and cheap removal of Rune, the finishing power of Dragon/Sword, and the indiscriminate removal of Nightmare. It's a mid-rangey aggressive deck but with better follower stats than the Nightmare aggro deck and has forced the small-ball style aggro out of the meta, leaving Dragon to flou...
Grand Dreams
One man's musings on a niche card game in a foreign land